The Mia Rose has cute leather accents and leather straps- the perfect opportunity to learn to sew more with leather!

I was all too right. I learned more than I wanted, that's for sure!

It converts from a small handbag into a wristlet. It's kind of the perfect size for a small bag, and I love it. I wanted to tell it that before I say what I'm about to say.

I have spent 2.5 days working on these bags. It's not the pattern's fault or anything. In fact, the pattern is well written, easy to understand, and fun. However, I couldn't seem to help but have to do everything at least two times on almost all of these. Oops I sewed too close to the zipper! Oops I can't get my machine to smoothly topstitch those cute pleats. Oops I can't figure out the tension to sew leather. Oops I have to put my walking foot on my machine every time I need to sew leather. Oops this leather is too mothertrucking thick to go through my wussy (but dear) sewing machine.
Sorry girl, I don't know if you're a wussy so much as you're probably not meant to do heavy work like that.
I broke two needles. I used two others, switched to my walking foot eleventy times, and I used a variety of hardware because I was unable to find the pattern required size of super tiny d-rings. Oh well.
Anyway, I got a few of these listed in my shop and will get the rest done soon. They turned out cute, I learned some lessons, and now I have to be done. I've earned it!
I've been working on some cute pouches today, and it feels so easy, like hot drawn butter.

Felix has been trying to slick back his hair. Maybe I should get him some pomade or something? One of those sweet combs they have in Grease??

1 comment:
The wristlet/purses are WAY cute, but not nearly as cute as Felix! What an adorable little greaser! ;)
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