Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Highlights


Here's me at the Ballyhoo with my half a table. Apparently I REALLY need a full size table, but this was my second choice and what I got. :D There was a photographer at the event who emailed me saying he would have some pictures to share soon.


Here's another shot of my table from my point of view. I need to photograph and list the hair pieces I haven't shared with yous guys.

The fair went pretty well. I was unprepared for the fact that it was only 60 degrees and the garage we were in was open to the outside world. BRRR! I'm going to start packing extra clothing and wearing layers to fairs, even when I think it's going to be nice. I can always remove layers, but I can't go back in time and put them on (believe me, Melissa and I came up with all kinds of things we would have done if we could have gone back in time).

Special thanks to everyone who showed up, and extra super special thanks to my fabulous customers.

Chainsaw, Felix, Nana and I went on a lovely walk on the Coal Creek trail yesterday.


Why yes, Chainsaw is carrying a bag of pug poop. :P




Felix and Nana got wet!

Anyway, I'm enjoying a day with zero crafty pressure. Back to the grind tomorrow I guess. I also have a bunch of wallets that I never got listed to share. I need to do some photography stat!


Becky Farley said...

I love that last photo of you - very pretty!

:) I can't wait to see all the other photos! Your half table looks awesome!

Unknown said...

wow, your table looks great!