Thursday, August 22, 2013

NYC Adventure Time

Chainsaw gets to go to New York for work all the time.  ALL THE TIME.  Ok, I'm exaggerating.  But probably like at least once per year.  He always talks about taking me with him, but these trips are usually over the school year.  Living 400 miles from my family means that I can't possibly go on a trip during the school year without Felix, short of leaving him home alone with a cupboard full of fruit snacks and cereal and leaving the milk on a lower shelf in the fridge.  Probs shouldn't do that, right?  I mean, he doesn't know how to work an alarm clock yet.

Anyway, Felix spent approximately a month in South Dakota this summer, terrorizing my family and catching frogs.  So Chainsaw and I went to New York City and had a heck of a good time.


Here is me being a boss in Times Square.

We rented an apartment across the street from Prospect Park, which was beautiful.  First thing we did was explore the park in the blazing sun.  Ok, second thing.  First thing we did was drink beer and eat mac and cheese (me) and a fish sandwich (Chainsaw).  Then we went to the park, where we watched a swan take a bath in a lake.  It was like a cat bath online with feathers and a longer neck.  Then a mom duck and her ducklings walked right by us.  The ducklings pecked at my shoes and shit, no lies.


Let's see.  We went to Mood, which was AWESOME.  I don't sew a lot of clothes, which is predominantly what their fabrics are for, but I did find some nice remnants and bought some expensive yards of super long fringe.  I hope to turn that into a slutty, fringy skirt in the future.


My fave part of Mood was the leather section, in which you could purchase a whole anaconda skin, a whole zebra (with face!), a fox's tail, a cow skin.  Pretty much whatever if you have a zillion doubloons.


We rented some bikes and spent a few hours biking around Central Park.  First awesome thing I saw was BALTO!  You guys know Balto, right?  He led the sled dog team in Alaska that brought the medicine to save the sick folks?  There was an animated movie that I loved as a kid.  Now Felix loves it as a kid, and I was psyched to see this fellow in all his statue glory.


We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, which was pretty rad.  Then we got lost trying to find the metro station on the other side, but you know, whatever.


So we mostly just walked around everywhere to see as many things as we could and hang out with as many awesome people as possible.  We also ate all the delicious foods, and I was a bloated mess jonesing for a home cooked meal at the end of the week.  My favorite feasting was brunch feasting because the bloody mary is a savory nectar of the gods that is acceptable to drink for breakfast.

Today is the first of school, so I'm off to enjoy my first day of quiet in the house.  I was SUPER LAZY yesterday, and no promises anything much different is going to happen today.  I've been so busy since we got home that I think I straight up deserve some laziness.  I better get busy on that!  Peace outside!

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