Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thrift Scores

I rarely buy shoes that don't fit me personally, but these Nina boots were way too pretty to leave at the thrift store.


I hope to find a new home for them soon. I still need to figure out what size they are.



I also couldn't just leave this at the thrift store for obvious reasons. I had to relocate a painting in my dining room so I could hang it up stat. The Chainsaw apparently likes clean, mostly naked walls, and I apparently like my walls to have as much majesty as possible. I really need a sewing room to deck out. Too bad my basement doesn't even have real walls.


Also, I'm in the process of adding a few more wristlets to my shop. I actually made them a while ago, but I just got around to photographing them. Then etsy decided it wasn't my friend last night and wouldn't let me list anything. I'll be trying again soon!

1 comment:

Eline said...

Clean walls are no fun at all! The tiger belongs on your wall. Just believe that! The Chainsaw has nothing to do with your wall, he just has to deal with it.

Thritstore, is that like a "kringloop" in Holland?

Oh Ashley, I seriously adore your craftblog!
