Felix is officially in Kindergarden. He catches a bus at 7:25, which means I get up at the exact time of 6:18 most mornings. Sometimes Chainsaw does it, but usually it's me. One morning I had the deluxe pleasure of waking up to this sight:
It was glorious! I've also caught some fantastic sunsets lately. The clouds have been doing a great job of catching those last rays of sunlight.
Before you start thinking that I spent all month taking pictures of the sky (you'd be right), I have a few other things to tell you about also. Chainsaw went on a weeklong road trip, so I took the week off. I don't make enough doubloons to make it worth my while to pay a babysitter while I work. I had a girls night the first Saturday he was gone. I didn't happen to take any pictures at the actual event (and for good reason, haha!), but I did get Felix addicted to proscuitto.
The next day we went to the Gem and Mineral Show in Denver.
The rooms with the phosphorescent minerals reminded me of Electric Lady Land so hard. Electric Lady Land is my favorite of all places in Amsterdam and I highly recommend you check it out. Not ashamed to admit that drugs increase it's awesomeness, but it is almost just as mind blowing without them (done it!). I tried to rob a picture from their website, but it doesn't work so well. So do me a favor and click on that link.
We went to Boulder Falls and had the whole place to ourselves. Zero idea why this picture uploaded itself in such a tiny manner. Sorry.
And this is getting pretty long. I might also be out of pictures that are not of the sky. Oops!
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