The person in question woke up one Sunday morning looking like this:
A few hours later there was a tooth in a hand and a face that looked like this:
As you can (maybe) see, the new fang was already coming in, so we did not have to suffer looking at a gappy grill for too long. Now its next door neighbor tooth is also loose and has quite the replacement growing in behind it. I would seriously like to know who these new teeth think they are. They are huge and have no business trying to fit into such a little space. Oh well. I hope they know what they're doing and don't cause us to spend eleventy billion dollars on orthodontics in the future. I can't believe I have such a big boy!
In other news, packing and laundry. Here's another quick confession: I put off hand washing clothes forever (possibly even wearing said articles of clothing more times than I should...eew). I've actually completed this unnatural domestic chore a couple times now, and I have to say that I kind of like it. In fact, it's sort of fun. I like to put some water in the bathtub with some special hand washing soap, soak a few things, swish, rinse, and (this is the best part) roll it up in a towel so I can squish it. SQUISH! Then I hang them to dry and leave the drying rack up for 3 months and put it away just in time to hand wash again. Weee!