Anyway, I'm super excited to announce that I've gotten in to the Spearfish Festival in the Park this July. It's in South Dakota, my homeland, and I'm psyched to get to spend the weekend at the park. I even got a sweet booth location next to the creek. I should bring towels for impromptu foot dipping cool off sessions, right?! I may or may not have gone on a fabric shopping spree in the last week, and I'm painfully not rich right now, so I'm hosting a Hot Butter spring sale in my etsy shop!
20% off orders under $30 with coupon code SPRING20, and 25% off orders $30 and over with coupon code SPRING25.
I usually do a sale for my birthday, but I happened spend my birthday in Arizona buying crystals, seeing big cactuses, and road tripping from Flagstaff to Bisbee (practically Mexico, it's the wild west!). So I wasn't around to coordinate marketing a sale and being home to actually ship stuff. Whatevs.
So if you've had your eye on some HB, snatch it up! Or if you'd like to feel some HB in your lovely hands and happen to be in Denver, stop by the Fancy Tiger Clothing store on Broadway. I just dropped off a new batch of creations yesterday. If anybody needs me today, I'll be in the Creation Zone under mountains of sweet cotton prints. Happy Thursday, friends!