He wanted a unicorn cake, and I had little confidence in my abilities to draw one with frosting. Luckily I remembered that some of the fabric I recently bought had pretty purple unicorns on it, and purple is his current favorite color! I made this buttermilk cake, which turned out delicious. I'm not a huge buttermilk user, so I bought the powdered stuff from the baking aisle, and it worked great! The cake itself tasted like a sweeter buttermilk biscuit, and I loved it. My hips do not love it, but this has been my last week of being in my twenties, so cake every day was an excellent way to send off my precious youth!

He got a sweet new bike with gears!

And tickets to his first ever real concert!

I've gotten Gogol Bordello concert tickets for my birthday in the past, and there's no better party than a GB party. We got there early to snag seats in the front of the balcony as those shows get a bit moshy and Felix wanted to be able to see the band, not the back of people in front of us. The old lady in me loved being able to sit down (or stand up, whatever I wanted!), and I was glad to not be smashed around down below in the waves of bodies.
And I know all the dog pictures have been flowing like wine around here lately, but we picked up another foster puppy.

We're fostering to adopt on this guy. So when he's old enough to be adopted, he's officially ours!

He is the cutest and sweetest (when he's not being a Bitey McBiterson).

We're calling him BMO (pronounced Bee Moe) after BMO on Adventure Time.
Alright, I'm off to get in a 30th birthday state of mind. I'm a little displeased that I have to share my 30th birthday with Easter, but oh well, at least there's good candy! Everybody have a great weekend!