Before you ask, no, this goat is not possessed by the devil himself, but I did catch her at a very awkward moment.
My favorite thing about these goat shots is Chainsaw in the background. He definitely suffers from Resting Bitch Face and usually looks like a grumpy Gus in pictures unless I tell him to smile OR ELSE. But look how dang happy he is to be feasting his eyes upon this goat (and her kids!). He did tell me that he would love to have a pet goat. Awww.
I also petted some sheep! Someone had their giant dog (I think it was a German Shepherd, if my memory serves), and it was having a great time sheep sniffing. It was super cute, sticking its head in the fence, trying to get a good sniff. I'm pretty sure it wanted to play with them so baaaaad (please read that in a sheep voice!). And then some older guy was walking by with his family and said, "Baa ram ewe!" So I had to complete it by saying, "to your fleece, your flock, be true!" It was a beautiful moment, I tell you.
Gravity has been very hard on my boobies, ya'll.
And here is Jezebel Lincoln being spooky next to our beautiful little pumpkin from the patch. I also bought a gigantor pumpkin from the grocery store because I can't afford to blow all my Halloween doubloons at the pumpkin patch.
I have not been feeling so good this week. I slept until 11:15 the other morning after getting up at 6:30 and getting Felix off to school and then going back to bed. Yesterday I took Felix to the doctor to get his gnarly cough checked out, Thursday we're going to a concert (after two nights out in the last week!), and Friday I have to take Jezebel back to the vet for more shots (so she's going to hate me again!). And then next week is Halloween. Also my oven broke again last night mid pizza baking and ruined my life. I want to rent a cabin in the woods all by myself for a week where I can hide out and sew and draw pictures and take naps and baths.
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