Although we usually go to South Dakota for holidays, this Thanksgiving was spent at our home. My mom, stepdad, and littlest sister brought a turkey and cheese ball makings, and we had a glorious time! My sister convinced me to take her to see Twilight on Thanksgiving night. I haven't read the books, but I definitely want to now. I want to know what happens next!

Felix and Alyssa the morning they were leaving. I was too busy to think of taking pictures all weekend! Oops!
I did not get any sewing done while they were here. Our dining room table is my sewing table, so I packed my sweet sewing lady down to the basement to make room for feasting. Sunday I realized that I had signed up for a stocking stuffer swap that was due. I had to make 10 presents quick, so I tried something I always wanted to do- tissue holders! I think they turned out pretty cute. I wouldn't be surprised if Santa brings some to my friends and family.

I made 9 others in various fabrics, but I didn't have time for photos before they needed to be sent. I am the world's biggest forgeter (I made that up)/procrastinator.
Then I realized that it was almost Christmas. Seriously? It's coming soon? I made a Christmas sewing list, and yesterday I started tackling it. I'll sneak in some pictures here and there if I feel like risking the recipients seeing them before Christmas.
Here are the pouches I made a while ago that I promised pictures of "tomorrow." Apparently tomorrow can mean anything to me, real tomorrow, next week, 10 days, whatever I feel like.

I love this guitar pouch. I would learn to play it if I had a real guitar that looked like this!

It was impossible to get a good picture of this rain pouch. It is super cute in person. I even gave it some adorable rain detail on the back:

And my love bullets pouch:

Ugh. I found something like six yards of this blue/denim-looking fabric at a thrift store for cheap. CHEAP I tell you, and it photographs horribly. It's a very pretty, soft fabric, and I'm making tons of stuff out of it. I wish I could figure out a magic trick for good pictures of it.
These will be available in my shop tomorrow I think. REAL tomorrow. I am also participating in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway day tomorrow (once again, REAL tomorrow). So check back. I'm also going to figure out how to do a sale in my shop.