Sunday, September 12, 2010

Excuse me, did you drop these turkey flats?

Laura and I went on a hot date that included a trip to the fly fishing store. We got a little crazy making feathered hair majesties, and then we got a little crazier and decided to photograph them on my porch owl Diabeetus, Beetus for short.


Beetus needed hair, so the obvious choice here was Beverly, my beloved mullet wig.


Never mind the dog hair all over my body. Just pretend it's not there and don't mind it one little bit.


Then of course we decided Nana would look absolutely fabulous wearing Beverly. I was a little mad at myself for not thinking of it before.




It has been so awesome being reunited with Laura. In addition to our feather projects, I have also started a couple others, including new small wallets and large and in charge vintage sheet totes. I also created a new yellow corduroy guitar strap for Laura. We found the best stuff on our thrifting adventures while she was here.

Hope you had a great weekend!!


Anonymous said...

The dog with the hair is SPECTACULAR! You should start a weekly series of a photo of your dog with different hair styles. Epic!

I BLEED PINK said...

Pug + Mullet Wig = Me on the floor with tears in my eyes laughing so hard!!!

I love it!!!!!