I had the bestest time ever dancing my pants off last night with Gogol Bordello at the Boulder Theater. In fact, I predicted this would happen and decided to forgo pants all together!
I don't really take many concert pictures. They never look that good and I feel like I'm wasting precious rocking time when I'm trying to hold still for crisper shots. Anyway, it was mutha you know whating packed in there. I have a big nasty blue bruise on my arm and Chainsaw lost his hat. We saw it fly up into the air at one point. People were wicked sweaty, and we received a dog shake head sweat shower on multiple occasions.
Totally worth the health risks. I wish they weren't sold out for tonight because I would TOTALLY SEE THEM AGAIN. You know?
Here's what I've been working on today. This bag is going to be so cute when it's finished. :D
I was picking Felix up from his girlfriend's house this morning when I was overcome with a sudden agonizing hunger for more sweaters. I stopped at Arc and found a bunch of adorable cardigans. I'd like to wear them all at once. I think this blue/purple one is my favorite and looks brilliant with my boots.
Over and out. CHhhhhhhhhhh (that's supposed to be the walkie talkie noise)