I made a new Hot Butter bunting the week before. My old HB sign was approximately 8"x10", which means pretty small. I do have sentimental attachment to it, but it was time for a bigger sign!
You can count on seeing a ton of awesome dogs at the Horseshoe.
I didn't bring any vintage stuff this time. I just didn't have any time to get it ready. Oh well! It also didn't go as well as I had hoped, and I'm starting to feel kind of discouraged from doing markets (except for the holidays, of course). They cost money to get into, and then if only make my booth fee back it's not really worth it. Maybe it's the economy? I don't think I'm the only one who's been having market troubles.
Ok, I'm done telling you the whiney, sad truth about all the markets I did this summer. Onto other things!
We took a little trip up to the mountains last Sunday for leaf peeping.
We stopped in Nederland to eat lunch and ride the Carousel of Happiness with my dear sweet girl Laureal.
I rode the peacock! No glorious action shots. The Chainsaw took some, but they're awful blurry due to the moving.
My only leaf shot is this from the road to Laureal's house, where we filled our water bottles with fresh delicious spring water.
We didn't have enough time to get up to Rocky Mountain National Park, so we settled with a stop at the Stanley Hotel.
Oy, this is getting long. I'm working hard on more Half-Moon Handbags. The others cleared out fast! I hope you're all having a great week. Any plans for this weekend?
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