When you get off the interstate to drive to Moab, there's a gas station with The Mystery Machine. Obviously you stop there for photo opportunities in the blazing hot sun. Obviously.
In South Dakota, camping is pretty easy unless it's one of those crazy camping weekends, like a weekend with a Monday holiday or the Fourth of July. You just show up at a nice woodsy or lakesy area, throw down a few bucks, pitch your tent, and get your fire roaring. EASY.
In Moab, people have laid claim to all the awesome spots months in advance. What I thought would be an quick campsite stakeout took hours. Hours in which I suffered because I volunteered to keep the firewood under my feet in our tiny packed to the gills car. We FINALLY found a spot at a park with awesome dunes that people totally drive their jeeps on like IN A COMMERCIAL. It was awesome. Chainsaw and Felix wanted to do some dune exploring, but I was a scaredy cat and left them up there. Then I was terrified until they got back because Josh had both of our phones.
Felix was in love with the sand and the lizards that lived in the open air outhouse. For reals. It had walls but no roof and lizards for your bathroom enjoyment. We didn't put the rainfly on our tent that night because it was warm. This was half a good idea (because we could see the stars!) and half a bad idea (because the wind blew a ton of sand into the tent, onto my face, in my hair, mouth, nose!).
We spent a good part of the next day being seen in public with this fool at Arches National Park, which was a glorious sight to behold!
Little Felix and Chainsaw by the Balancing Rock.
And ta-da! This concludes the Moab edition of Last Year's Adventures, This Year's Story. I'm trying to keep up some blogging momentum without having actually done anything awesome in the past few days. And because I didn't really blog for almost a whole year, I have stories and photos just waiting for their moment! I worked everyday from Sunday to Tuesday, so I'm excited to spend some time in the basement with my old lady Babylock and get some thread ordered this week for my new old lady Ms. Juki.
Cat-wise I'm offering up this photo of my occasional porch visitor. I named him Archimedes, and I haven't seen him in almost a year. He used to come once every couple weeks to a month to torment Jezebel through the door. He is a HUUUUGE beast and always so sweet and nice to pet. Check out that look of ecstasy on his little orange face!
Ok Butter friends. Be back soon with (hopefully) recent events.
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