Things have been transforming around here. A couple weekends ago I transformed basic pantry goods into glorious sugar skull cookies!
I am super dooper proud of these, you guys. Of course, I didn't just go for it and have these guys magically appear. I may or may not have spent a couple days reading blogs of people who make fancy cookies and picking up tips like woah. Tips like when making piping frosting, wrap your blob of frosting in plastic wrap, then put it in your piping bag. When you're done, you just pull the plastic wrapped part out of the piping bag and have no piping bag mess to clean up. Boom! I didn't explain that well, but there are videos on the internets explaining this business. Also, I spent a whole day making these. I baked in the morning, spent at least an hour getting the frosting ready, and then it took probably 5 hours to decorate them. Felix helped, and I think you can tell which ones are his. Josh also helped with the last few, and he was a natural who did not spend days reading tips. Of course.
Another tip was to store your piping bags in a mug with a wet paper towel at the bottom to keep them from crusting up when not in use. It made for a pretty clean up! Also all the food coloring makes for beautiful spit later when you brush your teeth, even if it's been several hours since you consumed a cookie.
We're having a Halloween party this Saturday, and that usually means our same group of friends come over and hang out only in costumes. I've been pretty lame about decorating every year we've done it, but this year I wanted some spooky pizazz up in here. I made a bunch of Martha Stewart bats, and they're hanging all over casting spooking shadows and driving my cats crazy.
Spooky! I'll get pictures of the actual bats when I'm done cleaning up and spook pimping the place.
I'm also making good use of a package of spider webs. Also note the mouse! There are Martha Stewart mice scurrying all over. Driving the cats crazy.
And this guy is hanging on the door again.
Felix transformed into a butt face, which we knew was bound to happen any day.
I transformed my dirty, dirty hair into this giant dirty hair mountain to go to a concert last Thursday. I know I probably shouldn't make myself several inches taller when people need to see past me, but I have suffered so hard behind tall dudes at shows lately that I decided not to care if I was part of the problem. All the tallest dudes are blocking views, and now so is my tall hair. And lest you think I go to bed fabulous, this is what I looked like when I took it out later that night.
Not pictured is the 15 minutes I spent in the shower the next day combing knots out of my conditioner saturated fro. Why do all the best hair do's later involve me crying in the shower?
Ok, that's enough transformations for the day. Today's plan involves shipping wallets and further spookifying my residence. What are you guys being for Halloween? I'll be posting my reveal soon!