Felix was terrified of this stuffed bear. I had to stand with him, and I think you can see how badly he wanted to get away by the look on his face!
Romantic smooching at Mile High Pizza Pie in Jackson, WY.
I bought Felix the bear hat of his dreams!
Fambly photo by the river, Tetons in the background. We had to stress how important it was for Felix to not step off that dock into the deep roaring river!
See that speck over by the trees? It's about a third of the photo over from the right? That's a grizzly bear folks! Sorry I don't have a fancy telephoto lens, but I was wicked excited about my first wild bear sighting!!
Lady elk, life and limb risked by Chainsaw to take this photo.
Old Faithful!
All that hot steam is no good for foxy straight bangs.
I haven't even started with the picture on my personal camera. These are all from the fancy pants soul taker!
I should be getting back to creating today- or at the very least getting my creation station set back up after Friday's game night party. Oy!!