Sunday, March 7, 2010

Super crazy birthday month

That's what time it is, yo.

So this weekend we celebrate Ryan's birthday. This year he turned old. I can say that because I'm never going to be as old as he is! haha!


This is a really nice self portrait of Ryan.

Anyway, Ryan chose to go bowling in honor of his birthday.




Here he is giving Eliza some pointers. They must have worked because she doubled her first game's score in the second game!


Mere seconds after Heather snapped this shot of me I got a strike. No kidding. I also got one the first time I bowled that night.

There was a group of teenage girls next to us wearing sweet costumes- big bows, sequins, old lady sweaters, etc. Some of them had fake names. That brought me back to the good old days of bowling. We ALWAYS had a fake name. It made it more fun. I think we usually went with stripper names, but not necessarily. I can't even remember any off the top of my head.

Do you have a bowling name?

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