I'm taking Hot Butter to Denver for Fancy Tiger's Holiday Handmade starting Friday night. That means I'll be putting my shop on vacation mode sometime Friday and won't turn it back on until Sunday or Monday. When I do, I'm sure hoping that I don't have much stuff left to sell. So if Hot Butter is on your holiday gift buying list, please check out my shop this week. Thank you so much for supporting handmade this season!
I was in the middle of uploading some random pictures off my camera when my trusty apple lappy had a sudden fit of narcolepsy. When I turned it back on, it said something about my iPhoto being unreadable or some junk. It was pretty easy to fix, this time. I fear my dear lappy may not be with us for a whole lot longer.
Anyway, here are some random pictures I've been holding hostage.
This is my glorious wild horses thundering across my thighs skirt. It's friends with the cat lady skirt. Pardon the flashy picture, the strings on the rug, and the keytar. Apparently the editing I did to this photo was sacrificed in the Great Narcolepsy Event of 2010. We're friends, and friends pretend not to see that stuff, ok? :)
I painted up this pretty brown vintage clutch/wristlet the other day, and I kind of wants to keep it for myself.
Here's my one (also flashy) picture of the star of the Thanksgiving feast roster (in my opinion), my turkey. This is my second year making my very own turkey, and I think I might be awesome at it. Like maybe better than my mom (I don't think she reads this, but if she does, I'm sorry. Let me make you a turkey?).
Bonus prize:
Purple striped necktie ninja sighted at the Chainsaw's birthday feast.