Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Giveaway time!

Giveaway is closed! Thanks to everyone for entering. :D

So my "something big" that was coming today is a big giveaway! Who doesn't love free stuff? If it's you, feel free to scroll past these pictures.


Holy smokes! Look at all that handmade goodness!



This adorable (out of focus, darn!) hat was made by Kiss My Button. I actually acquired this hat at the Denver Handmade Alliance swap that was right before the holidays. I think I traded a wristlet for this plum beauty with adorable bird button. Unfortunately, I don't really love how it looks on me, but I bet it would look great on you! I have several items from Kiss My Button that I just love!


One asymmetrical vintage sheet tote made by moi!


Three cards handmade by M. Heller Designs. These are also from the craft swap. She wanted one of my purses, so she swapped me a bunch of cards. Thought I'd share some with you!

One vintage lace collar with "pearls" on it. It doesn't have a closing device, which would probably give you a good excuse to go brooch shopping, right? I got this at an antique store.


Last, but not least, we have two pairs of vintage button earrings (one purple and gold, one white with blue flowers) and one houndstooth wallet made by me! I have to be honest and tell you that I accidentally melted a smidge on this wallet with my too hot iron. I think you can see it in the pictures, but it doesn't look too bad, I promise!

Wow! I think that's all around a $90 value. I'd try to enter, but I think I can restrain myself.

Ok, so this giveaway is open to all of my friends and enemies on the North American continent. If you're not on this continent but want to win, too bad! Just kidding, I'd let you sneak in if you were willing to help me pay for shipping. Hot Butter isn't exactly a super profitable business just yet.

How to win:
1. Go check out my etsy shop and come back here to leave a comment about what you like best or what you'd like to see more of from Hot Butter. Feel free to look at sold items also!

2. Tell your friends and enemies on facebook, twitter, or standing on the corner with a huge sign that you made yourself. Come back here and let me know. Links for twitter please. That way we can be friends if we aren't already!

3. Tell your friends and enemies on your blog. Come back and leave a link in the comments.

4. Follow my blog or let me know if you already are!

Ok, that ought to do it! Thank you so much for stopping by the Hot Butter blog. I'm trying very hard to promote myself better, and I could really use your help! I'll find a scientific method of winner choosing next Wednesday, March 3rd. Good luck!

Also- I added a bunch of stuff to the clearance section of my shop. I need to do some spring cleaning before I list new spring items! More to come soon!


Ashley Ann said...

I'll be first because nobody wants that.

Elizabeth said...

I'll go second. :) Please choose me!

I follow your blog Ashley.

Also, as for your shop-- I really really love your new hairpieces, especially the lavender one!

Andrea P. said...

Ashley, great give-a-way! I shared your blog and give-a-way on facebook ( I'm so diggin' your hair pieces right now. I, myself, have been very into put stuff all up in my hair, too. Oh, yeah, I'm a follower....

Unknown said...

I am a follower Ashley...I love your felt hair pieces...especially that one!


Jenn said...

I follow your blog, and I love it :D

I also love the hugs and kisses pouch in your shop, it's so adorable!

Digital Misfit said...

I love your felt hair accessories. I think they would be fun in 2-color swirls too.
And of COURSE the love gun pouch - that is fabulous!

I am following your blog!


tara said...

Wheee! My bag came yesterday!! Just blogging about it right now!

I love the khaki envelope purse too!!
I need to go to Purses and Tote Bags Anonymous . . . or something.

Subscribed to your blog too :)
Can't seem to find you on twitter but I'm sleepy right now so I'll get to that tomorrow :)

poptartjuice said...

Following your blog as of now!
I love any/all of the button earrings, they're just so adorable! :)

sandyandcosmo said...

I love the Scottie Dog Pouch! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am following your blog now :) I love the contrasting fabrics for your cute little wallets...especially

Rachael said...

I love your hairpieces!! Super cute. And I'll follow!!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the hair pieces as well :) I shared on FB and I'm now a follower :)

LeeAnn said...

I love your felted hair pieces that you have listed now and my all time favorite thing you make is the laundry line zipper pouches.

Rjb27blue said...

OOOH OOOH! I need me some buttony earrings and that little snazzy change purse! Super sweet!

Lissa said...

Oohhh, I love the yellow silk clutch and the bird pocket pouch (couldn't choose just one!)

Lane said...

Hey! awesome giveaway! i love the heart pouch on your etsy its so cute! and I'm advertising you on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I love this giveaway and your earrings!!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, btw like the vintage button earings, super cute.